What a great opportunity! I've been very successful in network marketing in the past, and I can say this is the easiest home business I've ever seen! No selling. No recruiting. No phoning people to sell them the opportunity. Just hand people your business card, or use the "Invite" tool, and people go to your website and sign-up automatically before you even talk to them about the business!
Promotional Tip:
Anywhere I go - shopping, or any other errand, I just start a conversation with someone about anything other than my business. Maybe give them a compliment. Anything to break the conversational "ice". Then I just say, "You know what? My company is looking for more people for part-time work using your computer at home. Do you have a computer? If I could show you a way to build an extra $1,000 - $1,500 per month working 7-15 hours per week sending out a few emails, and it didn't cost anything to get started, would that be something you'd like to learn more about? Great, I can send you an email with a link to our website. Would that be ok?" Then I just hand them my card so they remember my name, and get THEIR name and email address and put their info into the my "Invite" tool. In the subject line of my email I make sure it says, "Hi (first name), I talked with you at (location) (day of the week). I know they'll open my email with a personal subject line like that!
In 2023, the annual income earned by a typical GDI Affiliate was $182.00 USD.
Earnings Disclaimer: Earnings and success as a Global Domains International (GDI) Affiliate are the result of individual effort, skill, and personal circumstances. As with any business, your results may vary and will be based on your capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average Affiliate, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. We make no assurance as to any particular financial outcome based on the use of our program. For more information, please view our Income Disclosure Statement.